Montag, 26. Oktober 2009

26th October, 2009

Now I know what he meant by telling me this ...
But it's all we have. All
I have. And all that will remain.
It was hard for thee wasn't it? It was for me, too.
I wish it could have been different, trust me.
Now I've got to let it go ...

Good bye. Subarashii.

Freitag, 2. Oktober 2009

Feather's wish

I wish I could make thee cry ...

... and touch thy heart.

Montag, 31. August 2009

~Seeking for ever and ever~

“Thou art falling.”

I wish I could cover your pale body with roses and kiss your soul.

The answer is art.

Freitag, 24. Juli 2009

Moaning soul

I think today is the day.
I will finish reading the last book of the Vampire Chronicles.
I don't want to finish it ... Oh, it's a terrible thought to read never again sth. from dear Lestat!
I will surly cry at the last page.

Drew a new picture yesterday, while listening to HIM a lot.
"I'd kill to share your pain, and sell my soul for you just to say I dream what you're dreaming and feel what you're feeling."
Can't tell how deep that touched.

Honestly, I should be happy for such a life I live, but ...
Well. I AM happy. But there's a longing in my heart - and writing that down feels so good - it's like there's an ideal and I want that to become real.

I wish I could touch.

I wish I could do it as Lestat does.

See you soon,

Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2009

Beautiful Chaos

Well, somew things happened in my private live, that made me very happy. A new friendship and new ideas.
I want to know this person better and hope I will do so.
"We're all connected.", I belive in that, too. Indeed we're. Isn't that something beautiful? It's like a big, big carpet.

My internet is dying, haha, don't know how long I can stay online. Who cares.
Though I'm waiting, I'm happy. I'm tired so the world looks darker than it does usually but not that dark, today.
But I've got a sorrow, my darling. Hope I can blow her doubts away. Tomorror I'll be by her side. Let's see if it works out allright.

Does ANYONE read this blog? Haha, I don't think so xD But again: Who cares? I do not. It's a nice thing to poste and I'll continue doing that.

Sometimes I wish space would not exist. I could touch to comfort. But space is there so I've to do it another way. I'll do. I'll be there for those I love.

My story for the Ovag competition is finished. I'm not sure the jury will like it. It's - who expacted it to be - very dark. I like it and I got an inspiration from a dear person. (Thank you~ <3)>
Well. I will win, or I will not. I did my best. If I don't I will try again and again untill I will win. Ha!

Should better tidy up my room. Going to do that now.
Maybe time will go by not that slowly than.

Mittwoch, 18. März 2009


I really do love Lamenti. They're so very beautyful. Expecially I love L'Eracrlito Amoroso from Barbara Strozzi and Lamento della Ninfa!
~Selia~ sung both of them, but L'Eracrlito Amoroso I like more with Philippe Jaroussky's voice.
He sings like an angel. Hearing this song with his voice nearly made me cry.
I can't describe the feeling of sadness that bloomed in my heart while hearing and reading the lyrics.

I want to see GPK! He comes to Germany, but it is at a Friday and his show starts at 3p.m. ... I really hope my father will allow me to go.
