It's been a while.
It's already winter again and in 2 months it will become warmer. Strange thought when I remember how long the last winter seemed. Time is flowing so fast ...
The last weeks there had been a lot of snow here in Germany, but the last two days everything melted. When I went to school this morning the whole word was covered by a white veil. Wavering darkness and wavering light around the streetlamps. And when I walked home just a few minutes ago, the fog was still there and it seemed as if the world ended just beyond the next house. I was truly amazed. But the most beautiful thing I saw today was when I took a short walk when we had 2 free lessons.
I was walking with one from my German class and when we came to a special tree we saw that there were frozen spiderwebs like tiny chains of silver! I never saw frozen webs, did you? So delicate.
Ah, nature, good old friend.
What else do I have to tell?
I was in Weimar and Dresden over holidays and it was very beauftiful, too.
Recently I often thought about love ... but ... hm, how shall i describe it? I think I do not want to fall in love again.
There's a story I write with a very dear and beloved friend and I can empathize so much with our characters. It's a great feeling. And I can empathize with my own charcters (in my stories) again. That wasn't possible while I was in love. Strange thing, isn't it?
As if I had to decide between writing and loving. So, for others that might be an easy decision, but look: writing (and drawing) is and was always my way of expressing myself, my anger, my sadness and any other kind of feelings. My way of controling emotions. Not being able to do that as I used to all these years is a horrific feeling.
Furthermore, it is all i ever wanted. To write and draw. So right now my decision is writing.
It is not like I couldn't love at the same time - at least I can love friends, it connects me even more with my friends. But being in love is so different!
(Oh, and right now there is no-one I could really fall in love with. I do love in a platonic way, but not in that butterfly-heartbeat-out-of-control feeling, you know?)
Art shall be a constant in my life - as it always was.
The last few days I was absolutly "in love" with Placebo. I hope I could see them live once!
I might go to the WGT this year - I'm very excited!
to all Visual Kei Fans: Is Visual Kei Prostitution?
This is an interview from an ex visual kei record executive
Very shocking yet important article for all that are so much into that indie bands.
Please read.
Montag, 10. Januar 2011
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About feeling characters...
AntwortenLöschenwhat would be the point in writing AT ALL if you can't feel them?
And "being-in-love" is a mostly cheesy and overrated feeling anyway. Real LOVE isn't bound to persons but also to things you do; as writing in your case.
About VK being prostitution...
If you call that prostituion, what is pop music?
What is most of Metall that is only "widely accepted" when it sounds like all the other Metall around?
As soon as you start to SELL your music, you are "prostituting"; you sell something that is supposed to be YOU, something that should come from your heart and soul.
Artists that manage to sell but stay true to themselves are really rare, they have always been and I think they will always be.
VK is no exception to the rule, in most cases.
You want to get famous, get a record deal, whatever, so you start to do music. But if you're not exactly GOOD at what you do, not innovative or capable of songwriting, you need to disguise that fact and start out in a scene where looks can distract A LOT from the actual music.
As stated in this "interview" most bands drop the costumes as soon as they're famous, and only those who really wanted them to bring a message across will actually keep them.
I think that is a reason why I lost interested in most VK artists I once listened to, I think I only stayed true to around...five or so. Which is really little compared to all the other stuff I listen to.
That aside; that article might open some pepples eyes, but I think it should be taken with at least one grain of salt.
Because whenever something like this is brought up, one has to question the motifs behind it.
What is this "executives" motif for telling all that; although it might be dangerous?
As far as I can see; he tells NOTHING new at all about the music scene; but since most "VK-Fans" don't give a DAMN about other music scenes it might be new to them; I don't know. I think it just proves you should with whatever kind of music makes you feel; and you be good. because I can't imagine you feel something from an empty fassade.
Long comment, I am sorry.
Just my two cents thrown in here.
Entschuldige, dass ich erst jetzt antworte - ich habe ehrlich gesagt nicht damit gerechnet, dass irgendjemand das hier kommentiert.
AntwortenLöschenAlso Danke erst ein Mal für deinen Kommentar.
"About feeling characters...
what would be the point in writing AT ALL if you can't feel them?"
Das ist genau der Punkt. Wenn man es nicht fühlt, dann macht es keinen Sinn sie zu schreiben. Ich konnte sie nicht MEHR fühlen, es machte keinen Sinn mehr sie zu schreiben, das war meine Krise. Verstehst du nun, was ich meine?
Ich freue mich, dass ich das wieder kann, wieder die Charaktere spüren kann, die aus mir entstanden sind.
"And "being-in-love" is a mostly cheesy and overrated feeling anyway. Real LOVE isn't bound to persons but also to things you do; as writing in your case."
Nun ja, ich war nicht nur verliebt, ich habe geliebt, wenn vielleicht auch auf eine abstrakte Art und Weise. Ich möchte mir jedoch nicht sagen lassen, was WAHRE Liebe sei. Das Gefühl war mir echt und wahr genug.
Falls du das nicht meintest, es soll kein angriff oder der gleichen sein.
Ich liebe auch das Schreiben, das ist wahr. Ich weiß nicht warum es sich so verändert hat, während ich geliebt habe.
Zu dem Kommentar zu dem Interview. Ich kann dir nur Recht geben, es war nur tatsächlich etwas schockierend für mich, weil ich mich nicht mit der Musikszene an sich auseinander gesetzt habe. Zumindest nicht so intensiv, vieles denkt man sich ja und bei der ganzen Pop Musik habe ich nie geglaubt, dass da was echtes dahintersteckt. (In den meisten Fällen.) Bei VK habe ich das auch eher auf die neueren Bands bezogen. Ich muss sagen, ich höre auch nur noch wenige VK Bands, von denen ich glaube, sie meinen es wirklich ernst. Seltsam, aber man ahnt es ja doch irgendwie.
Liebe Grüße