Montag, 10. Mai 2010

The end

It's the end of sacrifice for it was needed.
I feel quite well right now, still swallowing it all, but I recognized a few important things.
All in all, I will stay strong as it is needed and someone needs to be strong.
I'd simply say, fuck you, bastard to anything.
I'm gonna get it right, yeah!

Nothing will break me.
Noone is worth despairing for.

I will expirience freedom again - after, how long? Longer than 2 years I think I had been in a relation (even if half a year "only" emotionally). Thus I could somehow even rejoice ...

I could walk and dance alone in the ruins of a dead world and I can be happy all on my own.
Indeed, a treasure I happily sacrificed - but not any longer.

I have changed - I will not look back, I'll move onward.

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